Popcorn is healthier than fruits and vegetables

Popcorn is much healthier than fruits and vegetables and can be considered one of the most effective dietary foods. This conclusion was made by scientists from the University of Scranton in Pennsylvania (USA).

Experts have been reporting on the low-calorie content of this tasty product for a long time, but this is the first time they have talked about its amazing health benefits. Doctors put it on a par with vegetables and fruits due to the high level of antioxidants it contains - polyphenols. They are considered very useful, as they successfully fight harmful substances that damage cells.

Experts compared the same proportions of popcorn and fruit and it turned out that in popcorn there are only 160 mg of “fruit” antioxidants per 300 mg of polyphenols. Scientists are sure that it’s all about water: popcorn is dry, but fruits are 90% water, which dilutes antioxidants.

According to the researchers, you need to eat popcorn every day to get your daily intake of antioxidants and fiber without affecting your figure. However, you need to keep in mind that in this case you need to cook it correctly - without flavorings, oil, salt and sugar.

One should not discount the fact that puffed corn cannot completely replace fruits and vegetables, so these products should be consumed in equal proportions.