Do you like relaxing on the beach? Beware of lowering your IQ level!

Do you like relaxing on the beach? Beware of lowering your IQ level!

German scientists warn: it turns out that relaxing by the sea has a negative side effect. Time spent on the beach leads to the death of brain cells and a significant decrease in a person’s mental abilities.

According to experts, the brain begins to suffer even before the trip, when a tourist books tickets via the Internet and conducts intensive email correspondence. Trying to do several things at once leads to psychological discomfort.

In addition, on an airplane a person again experiences considerable stress, since many travelers are afraid of heights and unforeseen situations in the air. This leads to the death of brain cells in those areas that are responsible for short-term memory and concentration.

If a traveler decides to pacify fear with the help of alcohol, this also leads to the death of brain cells, which, in turn, leads to a decrease in mental abilities.

When a tourist gets to the beach, under the influence of the sun, his frontal lobes in the brain literally begin to dry out, and long-term inactivity reduces the supply of oxygen to the brain, which also leads to cell death.

To prevent a decrease in IQ during vacation, scientists advise devoting at least 15 minutes a day to chess, solving puzzles and other mental stress.