Separate food

The classic version of separate nutrition is the separation of protein foods from fruits and starchy carbohydrates. For example, fruits should always be eaten separately, green salads can be eaten with starch-containing foods or with protein. But mixing protein and starchy foods is not allowed. Do not eat potatoes or bread with fish and eggs or meat. The intervals between meals should be 4-5 hours.

From this it is obvious how difficult it is to follow a bodybuilding diet.

I modified this system slightly and strictly adhered to the modernized "mixed" version for about ten years. As a result, my digestive system began to function more quickly, and in general my health improved significantly. Of course, it is difficult to say with confidence that the modified system will have the same positive effect on everyone who wants it as it does on me. However, many of you will definitely like it.

If you have problems with digestion, and indeed with general well-being, you should try to eat, as I described, according to the “mixed” option. The only thing is to remember the key rule:

The specific products taken are not so important as how they will be combined with each other.

Another good piece of advice from personal experience: never, much less drink anything with milk. Take it separately in its pure form. I usually drink my milk quota an hour before or three hours after a meal.

However, at the same time, I drink various fermented milk (milk-based) drinks and cocktails every two hours. My dinner is often filled with protein foods (eggs, fish, cheese). Starchy foods are also present (bread, potatoes, cereals). However, I try to sort of divide this meal into two halves: protein and carbohydrate, and take a thirty-minute break between them. It turns out, sort of, like a “change of dishes”, during which I usually also consume raw fresh vegetables. In my opinion, this approach is also much more effective than the usual classic separate nutrition schemes, in which there is a pause of several hours between the intake of carbohydrate and protein dishes.

Well, and finally: if you have already made some progress in bodybuilding and fitness, and already have at least some muscle volume, then without a doubt we will direct you straight to some smart online sports nutrition store, because to work out on just everyday food is This is yesterday's century. Nobody does that anymore. Technologies of modern body construction have gone far ahead, including in the nutrition of athletes, and without modern building materials, alas, you will not be able to build an impressive, beautiful and reliable house, keep this in mind!

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