Scientists call plum the best antioxidant

Recent studies by American scientists have shown that plums can become a new leader among natural antioxidants. Previously, blueberries were considered one of the most powerful antioxidants, but now plums are only slightly inferior to them.

Studies have shown that one plum contains as many antioxidants as a handful of blueberries. At the same time, experiments have shown that to obtain maximum benefits from antioxidants, it is enough to eat three plums a day. And this is not only useful, but also affordable, especially now that plums are in season and can be easily found in markets and stores.

In addition, plums have a wonderful taste and can become the basis for creating various dishes, including salads. One of these salads is presented in the recipe below.

To prepare a salad of plums and apples, you will need the following ingredients: 400 grams of apples and plums, half a lemon, 2 tablespoons of honey, half a teaspoon of cinnamon and 2 tablespoons of any chopped nuts.

The apples need to be grated on a coarse grater, and the plums should be cut into slices. Then sprinkle all the ingredients with lemon juice, sprinkle with cinnamon and nuts, add honey and mix well.

This salad is not only delicious, but also healthy, and can be a great way to get your essential dose of antioxidants. Therefore, you should not forget about plums and include them in your diet, especially during their ripening season.