The origins of bodybuilding and bodybuilding today

In this article we will dive a little into history and talk about the origins of bodybuilding and bodybuilding today, consider some evolutionary moments of iron sports...

To this day, there is no uniform attitude in the world towards security forces - bodybuilders and powerlifters. Men and women who, like the ancient Greeks, work on themselves by lifting heavy weights are admired by half. Others say that all jocks are chemists who cannot think at all. During the Soviet era, these sports were banned as they were considered ideologically harmful.

Now it is no longer possible to determine exactly at what point in time and where geographically weight lifting became a sports discipline. I think you know: there is a story about a Greek whose name was Namelen. He seemed to carry a small calf on his shoulders, then the calf grew into a bull, and after that into a heavy bull. Namelen did this every day and once ran a lap at the stadium while carrying a four-year-old animal.

There was also a very beautiful legend in Scotland. In the fifteenth century, every matured youth was required to lift a stone weighing 100 kilograms to a height of one and a half meters. Only after this did the young man begin to be called a man.

However, it is indisputably known that 60 years ago, throughout the entire globe, in the minds of the majority of the population, bodybuilding was associated with narcissism and even homosexuality.

Today, a gym with a full set of barbells and dumbbells and a large arsenal of exercise equipment can be found in almost any city. Nobody calls the people who come to them narcissists, but every representative of our society wants to look good. Nowadays athletes in this direction are called bodybuilders. And those who call them stupid show more of their ignorance, since every purposefully engaged bodybuilder must know at least human anatomy, medicine and nutrition.

Absolutely any sport that involves serious loads practically obliges the use of sports nutrition, which, in turn, is very useful and in demand for the athlete’s body, due to the fact that it helps the body to qualitatively recover after a hard workout. Of course, you can try to replace sports nutrition with regular food. But this will be a lot in volume and you can simply gain excess weight. Although everyone decides for themselves whether to exercise with or without the use of various medications.

It is very difficult to force yourself to get up and come to the gym for training, but the feeling of overcoming your own records and muscle pain after intense training cannot be described. When you see the result of long and hard training, it’s a completely different emotion.

I think that now no one can stop you from buying fitness gloves for men or women (depending on your gender). Buy them, as well as a functional rashguard, shorts or sweatpants, throw on your favorite sneakers and... See you at the gym!

Well, we’ll talk about the nuances of the origins of bodybuilding and bodybuilding these days in our next articles. Don’t switch gears, there’s still a flurry of interesting things ahead!

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