Scientists: Women's IQ turned out to be higher than men's

For the first time in the 100-year history of intelligence testing, psychologists found that women scored higher than men.

“When the IQ test first began to be used, women consistently lagged behind men by five points (some psychologists even suggested that the reason for this was genetic differences),” reports the British publication The Daily Mail, citing a well-known professor in the field of IQ tests — James Flynn. “Over the last hundred years, IQ has grown in both men and women, but in women it has grown faster,” the expert is sure. “The complexity of the modern world forces our brains to adapt and our intelligence to increase.”

One possible explanation for why women have caught up and outperformed men in intelligence tests is the pressure to juggle raising children and working. In addition, the fair sex has always had a higher potential than men, but has only now begun to realize this.

Flynn did not have enough available data to explain the new trend, but he was able to bring together the results of IQ tests obtained in Western Europe, the United States, Canada, New Zealand, Argentina and Estonia. In European countries, the gap in scores between men and women was minimal. Residents and residents of Australia scored almost the same number of points. In New Zealand, Argentina and Estonia, women outperformed men.

Let us recall that the intelligence quotient (English: IQ, read “I Q”) is the level of intelligence relative to the level of intelligence of the average person of the same age. Determined using special tests. IQ tests are designed to measure thinking ability, not knowledge.
