Features of training athletes in the weight category over 110 kg.

In this article we will study the features of training athletes in the weight category over 110 kg. After reading it to the end, you will thoroughly know how real super heavyweights train, what you should pay close attention to, and how to defeat the same Hercules even heavier than yourself...

The thing is that athletes in the weight category over 110 kg are not limited in weight, so the absolute value of their own weight (and therefore muscle mass) is a significant factor in achieving high results.

Future athletes in the weight category over 110 kg, who began training at the age of 16, usually weigh 70-80 kg. After about 6.5 years of training, they move into “their” weight category and weigh on average about 130 kg - that is, their own weight (and therefore muscle mass) often increases by more than 70%.

Such a significant increase in muscle mass requires significantly more time and volume of load, because these quantities are interrelated. This is the main difficulty in training an athlete in the heaviest weight category.

At the same time, with significant amounts of muscle hypertrophy inherent in athletes of this weight category, there are certain difficulties in maintaining them, since with a decrease in the volume of the training load, a decrease in muscle mass is observed. To prevent this from happening, lean on sports nutrition. Today, buying bsn, protein or creatine is no problem. Another thing is specialized preparations for strengthening joints, ligaments, strengthening intervertebral discs - such products are difficult to find even in a serious online sports nutrition store. However, a weightlifter of an impressive weight category cannot do without them, because the training load of heavyweights is prohibitive!

So, one of the conditions for increasing athletic performance among super heavyweights is the implementation of a significant volume of training loads, which should be greater than the average for other athletes.

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