Chewing gum impairs memory

A recent study by scientists from Cardiff University found that chewing gum may have a negative impact on memory. Tests conducted in the study showed that people who regularly chew gum have more difficulty remembering letter and number sequences than those who do not chew gum.

According to researchers, the movements associated with chewing can have a distracting effect on the brain, which can lead to memory impairment. To demonstrate this effect, researchers performed tasks involving memorizing numbers or letters while chewing gum and tapping their hand or foot. This showed that the distracting effect of chewing gum was comparable to the distracting effect of other movements.

Interestingly, some experts have previously suggested that chewing gum may improve concentration by increasing blood flow through the brain. However, new research has shown that chewing movements affect the process of remembering information by ear, but not the process of concentration.

In this regard, the study refutes the popular belief that chewing gum improves brain function. It also highlights that people are bad at multitasking and that distractions can negatively impact memory and concentration.

In conclusion, chewing gum in moderation is not likely to cause serious effects on memory and concentration. However, people who have difficulty with memory or concentration may benefit from limiting their use of chewing gum or avoiding it altogether.