Home Workout: Top 6 Best Sports Channels on YouTube

The modern rhythm of life, lack of time and laziness - all this often prevents us from playing sports. However, if we learn to exercise at home, we can turn fitness into a healthy habit and keep our body fit by spending just 10 to 30 minutes a day. In this article, we'll share the 6 best sports channels on YouTube that will help you make your workout fun and as productive as possible.

  1. Fitness at Home

The Fitness House channel presents a system of video classes from master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics Yulia Bogdan. Here you will find video lessons, regardless of your level of preparedness and goals: basic complexes for entry-level, tips and recommendations on exercise techniques, and full-fledged lessons on developing strength, flexibility and coordination. The channel also has dance master classes.

  1. Fitness Blender

The Fitness Blender channel has tons of high-quality workout videos for Pilates, yoga, fat loss, strength training, stretching, and more. There are also tips on recovery after exercise and for those who are losing weight or, on the contrary, gaining weight. Videos on the channel are added frequently, and only two people manage the page.

  1. Blogilates

Blogilates is an all-female channel with various diet recipes, fitness exercises and master classes on everything possible. The workouts are designed for different levels of fitness and cover all parts of the body and problems that concern women.

  1. BeFit

BeFit is one of the most famous fitness channels on YouTube. There are various series on dance classes, cardio training, fitness and yoga. The channel also has a lot of information for those who want to lose weight. As part of the project, there is a channel BeFit in 90, which contains a sports program designed for 90 days - 1 video for each day.

  1. Passion4Profession

Passion4Profession is a popular sports resource. Exercises are presented for both women and men. The main motto is “train when you want, how you want and where you want.” The training is not big, but very effective. The channel also has versions for different countries, including Russian.

  1. The Daily HIIT

The specialty of The Daily HIIT channel is intense and excellent fat-burning workouts. Many of the videos are sequential and if you stick to this system, you can do just fine without personal trainers and achieve great results. The creators pay special attention to the quality and safety of their training.

In conclusion, by exercising at home, we can save time and money on going to the gym, as well as make exercise more convenient and accessible for ourselves. The YouTube channels we reviewed in this article provide a variety of workout programs for different fitness levels and goals. Choose the appropriate channel and start training today!