All about cheese and a little more.

One of the most useful products for a bodybuilder is, of course, cheese. And its incredibly high protein content is just a gift from Mother Nature. It is also quite easy to digest and has an amazing taste. This page of our sports website will tell you everything about cheese and even a little more. Here is the history of its appearance, and how to properly store it, and how to determine the degree of freshness, and what is best to use it with. As well as the energy value of cheeses, all their main varieties with detailed descriptions, recipes, features of intake by bodybuilders and bodybuilders. In general, comprehensive information about this incredibly valuable and healthy food product.

  1. History of cheese and cheese legends.
  2. History of cheese in Russia.
  3. How to store cheese in the refrigerator and keep it fresh for a long time?
  4. How to choose cheese of the first freshness and genuine quality?
  5. An ancient recipe for hard cheese and a tale about how this product was prepared in the old days.
  6. All types of cheeses, conventionally divided into three main types.
  7. Homemade equipment for making cheese at home.
  8. Making cheese at home is the entire technological process.
  9. Meet the Cheeses of France!
  10. The French guest on our table is Mimolet Cheese!

History of cheese and cheese legends.

In this article we will try to answer the question: where did this wonderful protein product, so beloved by many bodybuilders around the world, come from? Cheese is a very ancient food and it is impossible to say with complete certainty: when and who exactly invented it, since the history of cheese goes back to the distant past, even before the advent of writing...

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History of cheese in Russia.

Despite the fact that the history of cheese in Russia is deeply rooted in the past of ancient Rus', the official appearance of hard cheese in our country is associated with the name of the great autocrat Peter the Great, who brought this dairy product from Holland, massively popularized it and established large-scale industrial production.

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How to store cheese in the refrigerator and keep it fresh for a long time?

Like all dairy products, cheese requires special attention. If storage rules are not followed, this high-protein dairy product will begin to dry out, change its taste, appearance and, ultimately, become unsuitable for food. Improper storage will speed up the ripening process, because cheese is a living product that is continuously in the process of development.

So, the question on the agenda is: how to store cheese in the refrigerator and keep it fresh for as long as possible? To properly store cheese, there should be neither high temperature (this spoils its structure) nor low temperature (this spoils the product itself). And the humidity should be approximately 90% so that it does not mold or dry out. Optimal for storage: 5-8 degrees Celsius - just the standard temperature for a typical home refrigerator.

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How to choose cheese of the first freshness and genuine quality?

We've all heard these horror stories about the chaos of modern food traders. How they turn expired sausage into minced meat, suppress the rotten stench with seasonings and spices, and then make a new one from this disgusting thing and try to sell it to us. How to avoid getting hooked by such scoundrels? How to choose cheese of the first freshness and genuine quality among the huge variety of goods on display? We will give you a number of proven tips. By taking them into your arsenal, you can easily distinguish a truly high-quality and fresh product from an expired one, and even worse, from a counterfeit, second-rate or reanimated one.

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An ancient recipe for hard cheese and a tale about how this product was prepared in the old days.

As you know, cheese is a high-protein, easily digestible dairy product. It is the high percentage of protein content and low amount of fat in this product that attracts bodybuilders and fitness models to supplement their diet. Did you know that this product is already more than 2000 years old, and maybe even more - after all, the history of its appearance is deeply rooted in pagan times, even before the birth of Christianity. In this article we will reveal the oldest recipe for hard cheese from our old ancestors, and find out how they produced this product in those distant times...

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All types of cheeses, conventionally divided into three main types.

In this article, our dear readers, we offer you a simplified classification of cheeses for your consideration. As you probably know: there are a huge number of varieties of this high-protein product in the world. However, all these types of cheeses can be divided into three main types. Let's look at what these types are and give each of them a detailed description:

So, the above three types of cheese. This:

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Homemade equipment for making cheese at home.

The list of necessary equipment is quite large, but this is not a cause for concern. Looking at it, you might at first think that all this is some kind of special purchased equipment for producing cheese at home or in a small commercial enterprise. However, after reading the detailed characteristics of these items and their purpose, you will understand that almost all of this can be found in our kitchen. Well, if you don’t find them, then replacing them with something suitable will not be difficult at all. Now let’s begin listing the elements of the list and giving a more detailed description of its components:

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Making cheese at home is the entire technological process.

Anyone who has ever lived in a village and had a cow or several goats on their farm knows how to use excess milk. Of course, you can figure out where to use them, for example, make yogurt, butter or cream from them, freeze these products for the winter, or you can process these surpluses into a wonderful and healthy delicacy - homemade cheese. In this article we will try to reveal the secrets of making cheese not only in production, but also at home.

Unless you are the proud owner of livestock, you will have to look for a source of good whole milk, perhaps from a farm or nearby dairy. In the summer, it is possible to purchase milk at a more affordable and sometimes even lower price. Therefore, homemade cheese will be both cheaper, tastier and more nutritious than store-bought cheese, since it contains no preservatives. And if you are a vegetarian, then the cheese you prepare can be improved by adding any vegetables to it.

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Meet the Cheeses of France!

We continue to study the high-protein milk product beloved by all bodybuilders, which came to us from the ancient depths of history. We already know: how cheese appeared in the first place, how to choose it correctly, how to store it so that it retains its freshness and taste for as long as possible, and much other useful information about this vessel product. In this article we will study in detail the main representatives of French cheese making and the features of their local production...

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The French guest on our table is Mimolet Cheese!

Mimolet cheese was invented in France, or rather, in the town of Lille. In this regard, it was also nicknamed the Lille Ball. Indeed, the reddish cheese mass is formed into a ball weighing usually 3-4 kg. And on the outside it is covered with a small gray crust.

French cheese is made from cow's milk, it has a buttery taste and a pleasant nutty and fruity aroma. Gradually, Mimolet develops a slight bitter aftertaste.

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