We work on mass – we increase strength indicators and muscle volume

As all bodybuilders of the slightest know, without mass work we cannot achieve an impressive athletic appearance. Well, we can’t talk about drying without mass - there’s no point in drying it if we haven’t built up an impressive volume. Therefore, let’s talk once again about the meat production period and its importance in the life of bodybuilders..

As you already know, there are various training programs for gaining muscle mass... But the main distinguishing feature of any of these programs is the emphasis on impressive weights and strength-style work. The number of repetitions should be small - no more than 8 times per set. Well, you need to take heavier weight. During this period, many athletes generally train in a powerlifting style, performing only 3 repetitions per set. It would seem:  this is very little. But this is how strength is gained and, accordingly, the muscle volume that is so necessary for all of us. At the same time, forget about isolating exercises during this period. Masters of bodybuilding and fitness generally make do with the basics: bench press with a medium grip, deadlift and squat with a bar on the shoulders. This, in fact, is the minimum that you can get by with during the meat-harvesting period.

So, remember: our main task is to work on mass – increase strength and muscle volume. Aerobic training and cardio exercises at this stage can be completely reduced to zero.

But nutrition should be comprehensive. You need to eat at the meat set almost every two hours. Dilute your main meals with protein shakes. Creatine works very well - it will give you everything you need for fruitful muscle growth.

Remember: being hungry while working for the masses is not only bad, but simply criminal! With this approach you will only harm yourself. If you don’t gain, you’ll lose even more! Therefore, stock up on at least protein bars in case a slight hunger takes you by surprise.

Psychological rest is also of great importance. During your recovery hours, watch some good motivating movie: for example, “Pumping Iron” - the famous film by Arnold Schwarzenegger or something similar, and may strength and muscle mass be with you! Hello everyone, physical education! See you at the gym!

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