Initial data for determining the working weight of a weightlifter

The initial data for determining the training weight can also be the already achieved results in the snatch and clean and jerk, since they differ only slightly (by 1 - 1.5 kg) from those planned at the end of each month, and the picture of the intensity of the load practically does not change. And regardless of how the intensity of the load is planned, the athlete ultimately should always strive to lift as much weight as possible in training.

In this regard, when an athlete, during preparation, achieves higher results in the snatch or clean and jerk than was planned for the corresponding month or cycle (which is quite natural), the intensity of the load in each subsequent month can be calculated based on the results already achieved. That is, in fact, the indicators already achieved are the main initial data for determining the weightlifter’s working weight for the next period of work.

However, as mentioned above, the volume of monthly training in the preparatory and competitive months may differ from the average values ​​- be significantly more or less. In cases where it is necessary to maintain the appropriate intensity of the load, use approximately the same number of barbell lifts as indicated in the table of the previous article in snatch and jerk exercises (with a weight of 70% or more), in push pulls and squats with a barbell with a weight of 90 % and more. It would also be a good idea to work out with a personal fitness trainer, who will competently point out your weaknesses that need special attention.

Both in the preparatory and competition months, the intensity of the training load should not be constant - in some months it decreases slightly, and in others it increases. In order to increase the intensity of the load, increase the number of lifts of the barbell in snatch and jerk exercises with a weight of 70% or more and in push rows and squats with a barbell with a weight of 90% or more. And vice versa, when they want to reduce the load, they reduce the number of such lifts. However, it must be borne in mind that a decrease in the quality of the load for a long time leads to a decrease in the level of fitness. It is also undesirable to significantly increase the number of barbell lifts at high speed for a long time (especially in the snatch and clean and jerk), because this can lead to overwork of the central nervous system, and, consequently, to a decrease in results. And as you know, overwork and overtraining are the worst enemies of any athlete. Therefore, devote enough time to issues of quality recovery and nutrition. Think in advance about what to eat after training and in what quantity. If necessary, supplement your diet with sports nutrition products such as creatine, protein and mass gainer. Be sure to get at least 8 hours of sleep a day. Periodically practice daytime naps...

A change in the annual load by month can occur due to: an increase (or decrease) in volume and intensity; increasing (or decreasing) volume and maintaining intensity; increasing (or decreasing) volume and decreasing intensity; maintaining volume, and increasing (or decreasing) intensity.

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