Taking care of your waist: twisting the hoop

How to keep yourself in good shape and not get bored? One of the most original and enjoyable ways is to spin a hoop. In this article we will talk about the benefits of hoop training and how to use it correctly.

Interestingly, the hula hoop was invented by the American Arthur Melin, the founder of the WHAM-O company, which specialized in flying toys. The hula hoop immediately became popular and in the first year more than one hundred million hula hoops were sold worldwide. It appeared in Russia in the 60s, but did not gain much popularity. In the 90s, hula hoop became popular in Bulgaria as a circus art, and then in Russia in circus performances.

Benefits of hoop training:

  1. Good time. Spinning a hoop makes the fight against extra pounds an extremely enjoyable experience.

  2. An indispensable assistant in training the muscles of the arms, back, legs and shoulders. Its use provides many options for stretching exercises.

  3. Effective time management. By rotating the hoop just 10 minutes a day in the waist area, you will feel a significant effect in reducing and strengthening it.

  4. Exercises with a hoop develop coordination of movements, flexibility, strength, sense of rhythm, artistry, and also perfectly burn excess fat in problem areas of your body.

  5. Normalization of intestinal function occurs.

  6. Burning extra pounds. The elasticity, flexibility and ease of rotation of the hula hoop will allow you to eliminate excess fat from any part of the body without difficult and boring exercises.


Stand up straight with your legs straight or slightly bent at the knees, shoulder-width apart or slightly wider. Take the hoop in your hands. Tighten your abdominal and lower back muscles and try to keep them in this position throughout the entire workout. Now you can release the hoop, giving it rotation. Using movements of the body, legs and neck, we force the hoop to spin around the waist and hips.

Important aspects of hoop training:

  1. Despite the fact that twirling a hula hoop is generally considered a feminine activity, men can also use hula hoop to combat excess weight.

  2. Don't overdo it: a weighted hoop is not recommended for beginners. Start with a light hoop and gradually move up to a heavier one, provided you can control its movement.

  3. Don't forget about proper breathing. Breathe freely and rhythmically without holding your breath.

  4. Try not to spin the hoop too fast or too slow. The optimal speed is approximately 1 revolution per second.

  5. Don't forget about stretching exercises. After hoop training, it is recommended to perform a set of stretches in order to avoid muscle pain and strengthen the muscles.

A hoop is not only a fun toy, but also an effective tool for losing weight and strengthening muscles. In addition, hoop training helps improve coordination, flexibility and sense of rhythm. Try spinning the hoop and enjoy the pleasant sensations and results.