It's time to sleep, or Methods to counteract insomnia

Are you tossing and turning in bed, but sleep still won't come? Are you trying to get rid of obsessive thoughts and fall asleep soundly, but you still can’t? Let's talk about what insomnia is and how you can get rid of it.

Insomnia is a sleep disorder characterized by an inability to fall asleep for a significant period of time at night. People suffering from insomnia usually cannot close their eyes for more than a few minutes, toss and turn and cannot find the very position in which they can fall asleep.

The term “insomnia” means a complete lack of sleep, but in practice it is interpreted more broadly as “a sleep disorder characterized by difficulty falling asleep, interrupted shallow sleep and/or premature awakening.”

The causes of insomnia can be very different - from excessive nervous excitement to various diseases. Diagnosis should include an analysis of the medical history, clinical picture, and assessment of the person’s biological rhythm.

There are several types of insomnia:

  1. Acute - lasting from several days to several weeks.

  2. Chronic - lasts more than a month.

  3. Psychophysiological - caused by emotional disorders.

To treat insomnia it is recommended:

  1. Avoid caffeine, alcohol and heavy meals before bed.

  2. Go to bed and get up at the same time.

  3. Avoid daytime naps.

  4. Create comfortable conditions for sleep - darkness, silence, coolness.

  5. Practice relaxation before bed.

  6. Limit the use of gadgets before bed.

  7. If necessary, take sedatives or sleeping pills as prescribed by your doctor.

Insomnia is often a symptom of other medical conditions, so it is important to identify and treat the root cause. Stay healthy and have a good night!