Long sleep will save you from obesity

Scientists from the University of Washington insist that thanks to long sleep (at least 9 hours), a person does not gain weight.

To prove their theory, the researchers conducted an interesting experiment in which about a thousand twins took part. The task of scientists was to prove the fact that a genetic predisposition to obesity can be combated. They found that those twins from a pair who slept less than 7 hours were more likely to be overweight; Those who had the opportunity to get a good night's sleep (more than 9 hours) did not experience weight-related pathologies.

Researchers have identified several genes that are responsible for the effect of sleep on energy metabolism and fat distribution, as well as the rate at which the body uses sugar. Healthy, continuous sleep has a beneficial effect on all of these processes, while insufficient sleep can cause obesity over time.

Based on materials from rosbalt.ru prepared by Anna Petrovskaya

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