The Forgotten Miracle of Health: RHYTHM

The planet, the oceans, the weather, and even our own body - everything in the world is subject to certain fluctuations. It looks very simple: high tide - low tide, day - night, inhale - exhale. This is what we see outside. We cannot even imagine that what seems so natural to us is in fact an ideal frame of reference, where everything is subject to the laws that have appeared on the planet from the very moment of birth. All this is a rhythm, a simple “one-two-three” is what scientists are used to depicting with complex diagrams on their super cool monitors. And maintaining this rhythm is one of the most important tasks of our time. After all, it is the violation of the natural rhythm that creates problems in our body, and in history - cataclysms and wars. The change in rhythm is all the more scary because it is impossible to cure it with medications and surgeries.

This was understood in those very distant times by our ancestors, who tried to make do with ritual dances. The shamans put themselves and the patients into a trance using the same rhythm - thereby trying to restore the disturbed balance of simple “one-two-three”. In modern medicine, which knows the latest, space technologies, more and more famous doctors are convinced of the correctness of this once forgotten medicine. In Western clinics, classical music is increasingly being played, and patients themselves are asked to choose what they like for the room. After all, this is how rhythm is restored within ourselves - we need to listen to more music and surround ourselves with things that please the eye.

“And that’s all? - you are surprised. - Listen to music and nothing else?! This is what I do all day long! At the same time, I get sick no less than my neighbors and relatives!” What is the reason for this? Oh, it's simple. Very, very simple. Just like these “one-two-three” themselves. The fact is that our body, its internal waves, must be ready for any rhythm! You listen to music, huddled in front of the computer, or now eat in public transport - and by doing this you again disrupt the rhythm of your own body! Your subconscious, its waves - all this reacts to the rhythm of the music sounding in you, but your body does not respond to it. The result is a gap between what the body wants and what the brain promises it. And in this you again and again violate these “one-two-three”.

It just so happens that in our world neither music nor its rhythm is given due attention. People simply forget that music was originally aimed at connecting with the beating of a person’s heart, thereby putting him into a trance and creating the correct, distinct rhythm of a healthy body. Remember the music of Cuba, Africa, Asia. Whatever it is - listen to any ethnic music! In every melody, in every sound of drums, tom-toms, a rhythm sounds, screams about itself, and most of all it resembles the heartbeat of the human body. Like this: “one, one, one...” - then comes the strong, corrosive one - “two, two, two...”. And, if you really listen to this music, you will understand that the melody does not stop - the same melody changes into different shades of sound, but continues again and again. This is akin to the way we breathe - sometimes faster, sometimes slower, then faster again, then very slowly, almost falling asleep. That’s exactly what it is: we are this ethno-music that never thought of disappearing, although people have forgotten its power and purpose for hundreds of centuries.

So what does this tell us? How can we ourselves, without anyone’s help, learn to feel music and at the same time even restore our health?! Everything is very simple:

First, learn to respect music. Any one, no matter what it is and regardless of whether you like it or not. Stop listening to it on the subway, other means of transport and at work. Allow yourself music only when you can relax - get up and move around. Better read newspapers and books on the subway. True, they also have a rhythm, but it is not designed for our own rhythm of bodies.