How to strengthen your chest muscles

Of course, it will not be possible to increase breast size with the help of fitness. After all, the mammary glands do not consist of muscles, but of adipose tissue. But it is quite possible to tighten and sculpt the pectoral muscles. Let's look at how you can strengthen your chest muscles with simple exercises.

Exercises for the most prominent part of the female body will help lift the breasts, give them tone, thereby making the appearance of your bust more impressive. The set of exercises described below is designed for regular training for 1.5-2 months. Only after this time will it be possible to evaluate the result.


“Prayer” - this exercise should be performed 10 times a day. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your back straight. Starting position: fold your arms at chest level with your palms facing each other. This pose resembles that of a person praying. Squeeze your palms, the tension should be strong. Hold the pressure for 20 seconds, then relax and shake your hands.

“Librarian exercise” - this exercise should be performed 20 times a day. Take two books of the same weight and shape (but preferably two dumbbells of the same weight). Stand with your back straight, feet shoulder-width apart, and take weights in your hands. Extend your arms straight in front of you at chest level, turn your palms up. Slowly stand on your toes and at the same time spread your straight arms to the sides. Remember that your hands should be at chest level. Then smoothly return to the starting position, without lowering your arms and standing on your entire foot.

Push-ups - this exercise should be performed 15 times a day. Get into plank pose, then perform push-ups in three configurations depending on the position of your palms. In the first approach, place your hands with your fingers forward, in the second - with your fingers outward, and in the third - with your fingers strongly inward, your hands are spaced slightly wider than your shoulders.

Bench press - this exercise should be performed 15 times a day. Lie on your back with your knees slightly bent. Take 1-2 kg dumbbells in your hands, arms at chest level, elbows bent. Extend your arms perpendicular to the floor and lower them back. Exhale as you go up, inhale as you go down.

“Kitty” - perform this exercise 10 times a day. Lie on your stomach, place your hands in front of you shoulder-width apart, bend your elbows. Straighten your legs, raise your upper body, arch your back. Hold the pose for 10 seconds.

Important points:

  1. Work “to the limit”, even if your muscles are “burning”.
  2. Breathe correctly: exhale when tense, inhale when relaxing.
  3. Exercise 3 times a week with full dedication. Muscles grow while resting between workouts.

By following these simple recommendations and performing this set of exercises regularly, you can strengthen and tighten your chest muscles.