Schedule of magnetic storms for February 2013

10 magnetic storms are expected this month. This means that surges in blood pressure, migraines and mood swings are guaranteed.

Below you will find a schedule of magnetic storms for the last month of winter.

February 8 - 08:00 – 10:00
February 10 – 07:00 – 11:00
February 13 – 06:00 – 09:00
February 14 – 20:00 – 22:00
February 18 – 17:00 – 20:00
February 21 – 19:00 – 21:00
February 22 – 06:00 – 08:00
February 23 – 04:00 – 07:00
February 25 – 20:00 – 22:00
February 27 – 07:00 – 11:00

These days, try to rest more, avoid conflicts, and not pay attention to the vagaries of the weather, the forecast of which you will always find on the Meteoprog website.

Source: I WANT