Non-alcoholic wine can cope with pressure

Cardiovascular diseases are one of the leading causes of death in the world. Therefore, many people are looking for ways to prevent and treat this disease. Research from the American Heart Association has shown that drinking non-alcoholic red wine may be an effective way to combat this disease.

One of the main factors affecting the health of the heart and blood vessels is blood pressure. That is why its reduction is one of the most important tasks in the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Researchers note that regularly drinking non-alcoholic red wine may help combat this problem.

Wine has a beneficial effect on both “upper” and “lower” pressure. This is due to the fact that wine increases the level of nitric oxide in the body, which in turn dilates blood vessels. However, research has shown that it is not necessary to drink alcoholic wine to achieve maximum effects. In contrast, non-alcoholic red wine is even more effective.

As part of the study, 67 subjects were given the same meals, the only difference being the choice of drink. During the 4-week experiment, subjects drank either 300 grams of red wine, 300 grams of non-alcoholic red wine, or 100 grams of gin daily. Researchers found that gin had no effect on blood pressure levels. Red wine significantly lowers blood pressure, but the effect of its non-alcoholic counterpart is much better. The risk of stroke is reduced by more than 20%, and cardiovascular disease by 14%.

Doctors believe that it is alcohol that reduces the therapeutic properties of wine. So, for health benefits, it is recommended to drink non-alcoholic wine or grape juice. In addition, non-alcoholic wine has other beneficial properties. For example, it is rich in antioxidants, which help fight free radicals and prevent the development of cancer.
