Late childbirth reduces the risk of cancer

Giving birth before the age of 25 carries with it serious complications, as scientists from the University of Southern California recently reported. When a woman gives birth to her first child at age 40, then, for example, her risk of uterine cancer is reduced to 44%. At the same time, the positive effect has been observed for many years.

Endometrial cancer, or uterine cancer, affects the endometrium, the tissue that lines the uterus. Most cases of this type of cancer occur in women between 50 and 60 years of age. Only now experts say: the risk of cancer after 30 years begins to decrease by approximately 13% for each subsequent 5 years for which a given woman postpones pregnancy.

Compared to women who gave birth to their last child before the age of 25, women who gave birth to their last child at 34 years old have a 17% reduced risk, while those who gave birth at 35-39 years old have a 32% lower risk. These are the results of a study of 8,671 cancer patients, as well as approximately twice as many healthy women.

Dr Veronica Setiawan, who led the study, commented: "Late births offered protection against both estrogen-dependent cancers and aggressive and rare hormone-independent cancers. It may be that women who are fertile in middle age may have more "healthy endometrium. Or it's all about estrogen, which is actively produced during pregnancy."
