Secrets of daily eye care

In addition to general health and proper nutrition (vitamins A, B, C and D are especially important), proper eyelid skin care greatly influences eye health. Even if you do not complain about your eyesight, take care of the “mirrors of the soul” every day.

It is very harmful for your eyes to be in smoky rooms, so try not to go into the smoking room with your colleagues for smoke breaks if you do not smoke. And, if you smoke, try to smoke outside, not indoors. You should also avoid too bright light. When you work or read, make sure that the light is bright but not harsh and falls from the left side. Take breaks from work to simply sit for 10 seconds with your eyes closed. You can alternately rotate the whites of your eyes in different directions.

Tip of the day: take proper care of your eyes

It’s a good idea to put a lotion of tea leaves or blue basilisk infusion on your eyes in the evenings before going to bed. A teaspoon of basilisk petals (you can also use rose petals) is poured with boiling water and left covered for 20 minutes. After the procedure, it is good to smear the eyelids with a soft, easily absorbed cream.

Author: Maria Lukina