What products can replace medications?

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We are accustomed to treating all ailments with what pharmacies offer us, and we are ready to pay any amount for medicine, because we cannot skimp on health. But we don’t even think that we can recover without leaving home and without taking our wallet out of our bag.

There are many natural, herbal and safe cures for illnesses in your kitchen and in your refrigerator. Start your treatment without chemical additives or concentrates.


  1. Mix a tablespoon of castor oil with a small amount of juice (as per your taste) and drink the resulting drink on an empty stomach.

  2. Drink several cups of chamomile tea every day.

  3. Lime juice, water and honey will cleanse the body of toxins and relieve allergy symptoms.


  1. Hot chicken noodle soup helps with inflammation, sore throat and sore throat.

  2. Drink fresh orange juice - vitamin C is not only a prevention of colds, but also a cure for it.

  3. Add grated garlic to every dish or make garlic sauces.

  4. Gargling with water and cayenne pepper relieves inflammation and helps with sore throat symptoms.

  5. Before going to bed, drink a glass of warm water with lemon and honey.

  6. Alternative to cayenne pepper: Gargle with salt water twice daily.


  1. A drop of toothpaste for 20-30 minutes will heal inflammation.

  2. Wash your face with lime juice (preferably fresh) and boiled milk (as soon as it cools down) - this will prevent acne.

  3. Consume dairy products more often: cottage cheese, milk, yoghurts - their antibiotic properties reduce the appearance of acne on the skin and strengthen your immune system.


  1. Mint is the most reliable remedy for headaches. Brew yourself tea or take a bath with aromatic oils. Just don’t rely on mint candies - they are powerless against pain.

  2. A regular warm compress will help relieve pressure in the temples, which is most often the cause of headaches.

  3. Also, aromatherapy with lavender will help relieve fatigue, tension and headaches.

Based on materials from accidentalmommies.com prepared by Anastasia Sukhenko