Leg exercises

On this page you will find all the most common exercises for the legs - the foundation of your athletic body. Here we describe in detail all the necessary steps to develop a powerful quadriceps - hip extensor muscle, as well as everything about how to perfect your biceps - hip flexor muscle.

  1. Barbell squats - bar behind shoulders
  2. How to properly perform squats with a barbell on your shoulders?
  3. Front Squats
  4. Leg press on the machine
  5. Hack squats with barbell
  6. Leg extension while sitting on a machine
  7. Leg bending while lying on the machine
  8. Lunges with dumbbells or barbell
  9. Sissy squats
  10. Saddle Squats
  11. Deadlift on straight legs

Barbell squats - bar behind shoulders

Squats with a barbell on your shoulders - a basic weightlifting exercise focused primarily on development thigh muscles. When performing it, other muscle groups are also involved in the work, to a greater extent - back muscles.

How to properly perform squats with a barbell on your shoulders?

Preliminary preparation:
  1. Due to the high risk of injury, never begin exercises of this class without proper thorough warm-up and stretching of the legs and back.

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    Front Squats

    This squat is one of the most favorite exercises of the famous Arnold Schwarzenegger. It is focused on shaping the anterior thigh. The principle of execution is almost similar to “squats with a barbell on the shoulders.”

    The starting position is occupied by one of the possible options:

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    Leg press on the machine

    Leg press on the machine - an excellent exercise for pumping the thigh muscles. The work involves both quadriceps, so two-headed muscle groups of the thigh. In addition, this exercise is much less traumatic, compared to classic barbell squats.

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    Hack squats with barbell

    One more extreme productive exercise from the category squats. Can be performed:

    1. in the original with a barbell,
    2. in the “Gakk-machine” there is a specialized simulator with a similar effect.

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    Leg extension while sitting on a machine

    From point of view process physics this exercise is to take a twin French presses hands. It is just as effective, narrowly targeted and focused on the key group of muscles of the lower extremities, as its counterpart for the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle. The exercise is not suitable for gaining volume and muscle mass, but perfect for purchase relief And additional grinding.

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    Leg bending while lying on the machine

    Here, as in the case of extension,  this exercise for legs in its own way technical principles execution and degree of impact one-on-one is similar to the Scott Bench exercise for the upper limbs. Physics of processes absolutely similar. A very concentrated, isolated effect on the target muscle group - in our case, on biceps hips. Bending the legs on a specialized simulator gives muscles form And relief.

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    Lunges with dumbbells or barbell

    Excellent exercise for influencing gluteus maximus muscle, developments thigh muscle relief and emphasizing all contours and curves quadriceps, useful for stretch marks.

    At relatively wide stride lunge has an accentuated effect on the muscles buttocks. At short stride the main focus of the exercise's impact is on quadriceps thigh muscles.

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    Sissy squats

    Another type of squat, but unlike classic squats with a barbell, dumbbells on the chest (on the shoulders), aimed at volume development And muscle mass thighs, sissy squats oriented to build high-quality relief of your legs.

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    Saddle Squats

    This variety squats famous for its large number of names. No matter how they call this exercise. And “saddle squat”, and “saddle squat”, and “Horse”, and “Jefferson squats”, and others…. The essence does not change from this. The key point of this variation of the exercise is that barbell while performing this squat is between your legs. It’s as if you are riding a horse or riding a motorcycle - hence the funny names for this exercise. Let's take a closer look at this type of squat...

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    Deadlift on straight legs

    We have already considered the exercise “Deadlift» in the training-oriented exercises section back muscles. If you remember, the key point in this exercise was to keep your legs in a slightly bent (knee joint) position. With this performance, the main focus of the deadlift's impact was on long back muscles. If fulfill This exercise, nose straight legs – then the main emphasis of the impact in this exercise will be on hamstrings.

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