If the art is marked

For all its popularity, belly dancing is still not a fully recognized art. One of the reasons for this is considered to be his non-academic nature. After all, if dances like modern jazz and hip-hop have a certain structure, then Arabic belly dance is, first of all, a flight of the soul!

Although, if you compare modern belly dancing with the same dance ten years ago, then significant qualitative changes are obvious. Despite the significant evolution of dance, updating and improving movements and techniques, all dancers from generation to generation have something in common. And what this has in common is its meaning, which lies in the true love of dance!

It doesn't matter if you come from the East or just love rhythm and mesmerizing music. Belly dance is a worldwide phenomenon, which is why it absorbs elements and traits of many cultures and characters, constantly improving and developing.

Among the variety of belly dancing styles, you can always choose the one that is closest to you. A variety of technologies, presented in video or DVD format, greatly facilitate the perception of educational information. They make it possible to combine a theoretical course with a superbly presented visual sequence, thereby helping to learn movements repeatedly, and most importantly, correctly.

A collection of such video lessons is convenient for refreshing your memory or learning completely new complex movements. Belly dancing is often practiced during aerobics classes. A wonderful project would be to show similar lessons and entire courses on television, making this truly wonderful art form accessible to everyone.

One of the best dance schools in the capital, “Model-357,” invites everyone to classes. Contacts: telephones: 223-23-67, 77-357-66, website - http://www.model-357.ru