How to lose weight with salon treatments

Do you want to get rid of extra pounds and make your figure slimmer and more attractive? Of course, eating right and exercising are the main factors for losing weight, but there are also many professional salon treatments that can help you achieve your desired results. In this article we will look at two of the most popular procedures that help you lose weight and create a beautiful figure.


Dermotonia is a procedure that is performed using a special device SKINTONIC or LeSkinV6 (Leskin in 6). It includes a vacuum massage that helps activate the body's lymphatic drainage, thereby eliminating excess fluid, toxins and unnecessary waste. The result is a reduction in body volume, smooth and toned skin, and an improvement in figure contour.

Dermotonia also effectively fights cellulite. This is one of the most popular body contouring procedures, which is absolutely non-traumatic and painless. The result is noticeable after just a few sessions, and a full course of 10 procedures can help you lose up to several centimeters in volume. The cost of a session usually starts from 265 hryvnia.

Injection lipolysis

Injection lipolysis is a procedure that helps to get rid of fat deposits in various problem areas, such as the lower part of the face (cheeks and chin), neck, arms, thighs, buttocks and calves. Special substances are introduced into problem areas that stimulate the breakdown of fat deposits, accelerate metabolic processes in cellular tissues and help remove excess fluid from the body.

Injection lipolysis is a non-surgical liposuction and is one of the most effective procedures for combating cellulite. The result is noticeable within one to two weeks, and the skin becomes firm and elastic. To achieve maximum results, it is recommended to take a course of several sessions. The cost of the procedure usually starts from 458 hryvnia.


There are many professional salon treatments that can help you lose weight and create a beautiful figure. Dermotony and injection lipolysis are two of the most popular procedures that help get rid of extra pounds and cellulite. However, before you undergo any of these procedures, you should consult your doctor to make sure it is right for you. Also, do not forget about proper nutrition and exercise, which are an integral part of a comprehensive approach to losing weight and achieving the desired result.