Quitting smoking in 6 days is incredible, but true!

Quitting smoking is not only a beneficial change for health, but also a huge test of willpower. However, American scientists have developed a six-day program that can help people get rid of nicotine addiction.

According to research, in people who smoke, vitamin C is quickly destroyed in the body, and nicotine becomes its substitute. If a smoker decides to give up his habit, then it is very important that his body receives the maximum amount of missing vitamin C. With sufficient intake, vitamin C again takes the place of nicotine and the need for nicotine is noticeably reduced.

Based on this discovery, American scientists have developed a six-day program that helps people get rid of nicotine addiction. During this period, people quitting smoking are strongly recommended to consume more products containing ascorbic acid. First of all, smokers should consume orange and lemon juices, as well as grated currants.

However, it should be noted that the recommendation to drink five to six glasses of orange juice in the first half of the day is not suitable for everyone. It is better to avoid this method for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Plus, quitting smoking has huge health benefits. For example, 20 minutes after the last cigarette, blood pressure returns to normal. After 8 hours, the level of carbon monoxide in the blood is reduced by half, and the oxygen level returns to normal. After 48 hours, the likelihood of having a heart attack is reduced and all nicotine will be eliminated from your body. Your taste and smell functions will return to normal. After 72 hours, the tension in your bronchioles will decrease and your strength levels will increase. After 2 weeks, your circulation will accelerate and continue to improve for the next 10 weeks. After 3-9 months, your cough and breathing problems will disappear as your lung capacity will increase by 10%. After 1 year, the risk of a heart attack will be reduced by half. After 5 years, the probability of a stroke will be the same as that of a non-smoker. After 10 years, the chance of lung cancer will be the same as a non-smoker. However, it should be noted that quitting smoking can be a difficult process, especially for those who smoke for a long time or who have a strong dependence on nicotine. Therefore, in addition to the program that American scientists mentioned, there are many other methods to combat smoking, such as replacing nicotine with nicotine patches or chewing gum, using medications, support from family and friends, attending counseling and therapy.

It is also very important to maintain a healthy lifestyle in general to reduce the urge to smoke. This includes eating right, getting regular physical activity, getting enough rest and sleep, and avoiding stressful situations.

Regardless of the method chosen to quit smoking, it is important to remember that it is a process that can take some time, and that the likelihood of success depends on many factors, including motivation, support and persistence. However, quitting smoking is possible and will bring enormous benefits to your health and quality of life.