Mattress for a bodybuilder.

Today, dear readers of the sports portal “Russian Bodybuilding and Fitness,” we will talk about choosing a mattress for a bodybuilder. Someone will say: “Come on! Mattress for a bodybuilder - what kind of nonsense is this? Tell us better about the aspects of training, the nuances of proper nutrition, the secrets of Champions, the basics of the theory of the training process, etc., etc. And the mattress - why do we need it? Let the lazy sleep! And we need to get up quickly and run to the gym for the next workout...”

That's how it is. But let's look at the question differently... What is a good mattress? - This is actually a pleasant, convenient and comfortable sleeping place. What does a comfortable sleeping place give us? – good, sound, complete sleep. What is proper sleep for a bodybuilder? – this is the restoration of strength after training. What is recovery for a bodybuilder? – this is nothing more than muscle growth! It turns out that to increase our muscle mass, rest and sleep are not the least important. In fact, it is an integral part of the entire physiological process of building our body. And no less important than physical training with heavy equipment and on simulators!

And if we also take into account that the average sleep of an ordinary person lasts at least 8 hours, and as we know there are 24 in a day, it turns out that we spend a third of our life in bed!

Taking all this into account, you now understand that you should not skimp on your own sleep and rest. Moreover, this is a whole third of our entire life. Have a full and quality rest! Relax in comfort! Especially if you are a bodybuilder. And the online mattress store will help you perfectly arrange your sleeping place!

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