Female alcoholism: causes and ways to combat it

Alcoholism is a serious disease that is currently one of the most important problems in society. In recent years, more and more women have begun to suffer from this disease. If previously female alcoholism was rare, today it has become quite common. At the same time, female alcoholism is more dangerous than male alcoholism, since in women alcohol causes greater harm to health and can also lead to faster addiction. In this article we will look at the causes of female alcoholism and ways to combat it.

Relieve stress

One of the main reasons for female alcoholism is the desire of women to relieve stress and get away from problems. Joy, pleasure, lightness, relaxation - alcohol helps them escape into an illusory world where there is no place for grief, fears and stress. However, this is a temporary measure that does not solve the problems, but only aggravates them.

How to fight?

Get rid of boredom and negativity in other ways - travel, exercise, go to the movies and theaters.

Understand that alcohol is evil and not a solution to current problems.

Schedule your day minute by minute; there should be no “windows” in your schedule that could encourage friendly get-togethers over a bottle.

Answer with a firm “no” when asked to drink.

Avoid non-alcoholic beer and energy drinks.

Reward yourself for showing willpower - buy nice little things, clothes, accessories.

Calm down with the help of valerian.

Forget about loneliness

Another reason for female alcoholism is loneliness. Loneliness has a detrimental effect on the mental health of women who suffer from a lack of male attention and the absence of a loved one nearby. With the help of a glass, they become more relaxed, more sociable, they have a feeling of need and importance in this world.

How to fight?

Learn to be proud of yourself – your figure, appearance, achievements. After this, you are guaranteed to be liked by others.

Try to be in public more, avoid loneliness, but, nevertheless, do not touch a glass in company.

Find support from family, friends, relatives, a psychologist or an addiction specialist. Connecting with people can help reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation.

Try to develop interests or hobbies that will help you occupy your free time and enjoy life.

Relationship problems

Another reason for female alcoholism is relationship problems. Conflicts and disagreements with a partner can lead a woman to start drinking alcohol to forget about problems and escape reality.

How to fight?

Talk with your partner, try to find compromises and solutions to problems.

Seek help from a psychologist or marriage specialist if you cannot solve problems on your own.

Don't use alcohol as a way to solve relationship problems.


Female alcoholism is a serious problem that requires attention and fight. First of all, it is necessary to understand the causes of this dependence and work to eliminate them. It is also important to seek help from specialists and get support from loved ones. Don't forget that health is the most valuable thing we have, and you shouldn't sacrifice it for temporary pleasures.