Do you work with a computer? Carry a mirror!

British surgeon and cosmetologist Michael Prager recently made a sensational statement that prolonged exposure of women in front of a monitor causes premature aging and the formation of a “computer” face. In this concept he means that the lady has a sagging chin, a turkey neck and deep wrinkles on the forehead and around the eyes. Prager advises all women who sit at the computer for long periods of time to have a mirror handy: “When my clients follow this advice, they are often horrified by how angry or overly serious their faces become while working,” the scientist said.

The doctor also added that, among other things, women with sensitive skin may experience other reactions - itching, redness, peeling, dermatitis, pain in the eyes, and blurred vision. “The nervous system suffers the most from the computer: due to the electrostatic field and aeroionic composition of the air, the ability to work is reduced, and the body’s defenses are depleted over time. In addition, incorrect posture while working at the computer provokes diseases of the spine, the wrists, stomach and genitourinary system suffer,” says the doctor.

When caring for women, Dr. Prager advises taking fifteen-minute breaks every hour, choosing simple exercises for the neck muscles, and spending more time in the fresh air.

Let us remind you that earlier journalists from the British newspaper Independent studied the effects of office work on the body. They concluded that multiple factors pose serious health risks.