What are the dangers of lack of sleep and what are its consequences for a bodybuilder?

We have repeatedly drawn your attention to the importance of good sleep and quality recovery. After all, contrary to the opinion of all beginners, it is not during the training process, but precisely during moments of rest that our muscles grow and increase in volume. Therefore, rest should be given no less attention than training and food. And today we will similarly consider such a negative phenomenon as lack of sleep. I am simply convinced that every athlete should know by heart: what is the danger of lack of sleep, and what are its consequences for a bodybuilder? And why is it worth completely eradicating the bad habit of staying up late? So we begin...

Modern life dictates its own rules to us. All the coolest parties take place in the evening. The most popular cinema sessions are in the evening. The influx of visitors to clubs increases in the evening. Even on TV they show all the best in the evening... All these negative temptations force us not to go to bed early, but to stay awake for at least another hour... And then another hour.... And one more thing... So it turns out that we go to bed well after midnight... And if for an ordinary mortal this, it seems, is not very critical, then for a bodybuilder it’s simply like death!

Scientists have long proven that the most complete and high-quality sleep occurs in its first phase and until midnight. The more hours you sleep before midnight, the better sleep you will get. At the same time, 8 hours will be quite enough for you. And in order to get enough sleep when you go to bed late at night, you need much more than 8 hours. But often the average person needs to get up early again in the morning - work, study and other things... Therefore, by going to bed closer to midnight, we automatically risk getting this most unfortunate lack of sleep.

After all, what is the danger of lack of sleep? – having recovered poorly from the previous workout, you will not be able to give your best in the next one. Many athletes even prefer to skip another workout rather than go to the gym fully unrecovered. If your enthusiasm is great, and you force yourself to go through the next trip to the gym, then you run a very high risk of getting sore throat and running into overtraining. And in this case, you will face even more powerful stagnation and a serious step back in your entire training strategy. But that's not the worst.

By coming to the gym exhausted and not fully recovered, you risk getting a serious sports injury. But this can unsettle you, not just for a week, but for a month, and maybe even for a year. This is what a seemingly banal lack of sleep can threaten you with! And this is what its consequences may be.

An even bigger problem can be such a massive social phenomenon as chronic lack of sleep. In fact, this is the absence of proper sleep for quite a long time. There is no need to talk about any muscle growth here. Here is one instructive story from my personal practice on this topic. I hope he will finally prove to you the destructiveness of this phenomenon...

Well, I hope I have fully explained to you the dangers of lack of sleep and what its harmful consequences are for a bodybuilder. Train correctly. Recover fully. Get a good night's sleep. And remember: you also need to be able to rest well! All the best to you!

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