What are the benefits of twine for women's health?

With a strong desire and regular training, it is possible to do the splits at 30, 40, and even 50 years old. I WANT tells why this is so important and shows how to achieve maximum flexibility in your body at any age.

Before you start the virtual training, it is important to explain why it is so important to be able to do the splits, especially for women.

The fact is that regular stretching exercises:

  1. Improve the functioning of the immune system;

  2. Increases endurance;

  3. Normalize mental stress and improve attention;

  4. Improves the functioning of all organs of the body;

  5. They make the muscles more elongated and prevent them from growing wider, which is extremely important for a woman if she prefers strength exercises;

  6. Helps rapid muscle recovery;

  7. Normalize blood pressure (manipulations with the musculoskeletal system help redirect blood flow into previously unused vessels);

  8. Prevent injuries;

  9. Helps normalize the menstrual cycle;

  10. Prevents varicose veins;

  11. Helps during childbirth (due to the flexibility of the hip joints).

If you seriously decide to do the splits, follow these simple tips:

  1. No matter how much you want to do the splits, an unprepared person needs at least a couple of weeks. Rushing this task can lead to injury, so be patient.

  2. Eliminate meat from your diet for a while. Because of it, the ligaments lose their elasticity.

  3. You can take a hot shower before stretching. After this, the ligaments will be more pliable.

  4. Training should be started gradually, and over time, increase the number of stretches per day. It is important to do exercises in the morning and evening. And most importantly, regularly.

  5. Classes should be at least 4 times a week, and better - every day. Their duration should be at least 30 minutes.

Regular stretching exercises can help women improve their flexibility and health. With the help of twine you can normalize the functioning of the body and prevent many diseases.