Invented a test that warns of the risk of miscarriage

Pregnancy is one of the most exciting periods in a woman’s life. But besides the joy of expecting a baby, there is a certain risk to his health and life. One of these risks is miscarriage. It can occur at any stage of pregnancy and can pose a serious threat to the mother's health. However, employees of one of the clinics in London have developed a new diagnostic technique that allows them to identify expectant mothers who are at high risk of miscarriage.

The test, which takes just 10 minutes, is based on assessing the concentration of fFN protein in the blood of a pregnant woman. This protein, as studies show, may indicate the approach of labor and a high risk of miscarriage. The accuracy of the test is at least 75%, which makes it possible to promptly identify pregnant women who have a high probability of premature birth.

If the test shows a high concentration of the fFN protein, the expectant mother is placed in a clinic for two weeks so that doctors can prevent a possible miscarriage. Doctors can offer pregnant women treatments that can reduce the risk of miscarriage and keep the baby healthy.

This diagnostic technique has been recognized as the most reliable and can become revolutionary in the medical industry. It allows you to prevent possible complications and maintain the health of the expectant mother and her child.

In addition, British scientists have discovered another way to prevent the risk of premature birth - singing. While singing, women's concentration of the joy hormone increases, their psyche is unloaded and special breathing is produced, which can be useful during childbirth. All this is conducive to bearing a fetus. Studies have shown that women who sang during pregnancy had a lower risk of premature birth and other complications.

It's also worth noting that dogs can be beneficial for pregnant women. They help reduce stress and anxiety, which can have a positive impact on the health of mother and baby. In addition, dogs can help a pregnant woman stay active and exercise, which also benefits her health.

Overall, new techniques such as the miscarriage risk test, singing and pet ownership can help pregnant women keep their babies and their babies healthy. However, do not forget about regular visits to the doctor and following all recommendations for caring for yourself and your child. Pregnancy is a crucial period in a woman’s life, and health care should come first. Modern medicine provides many tools and techniques to keep pregnant women healthy, and it is important to use them to prevent possible complications.