Delayed menstruation in healthy women. You also know that...

Delayed menstruation in healthy women

You also know that missed periods are not that uncommon these days. Analyzing the situation in recent years, gynecologists come to the conclusion that delays in menstruation in healthy women are becoming a modern trend. What leads to this result? And how to prevent it?

Latency is a relative concept. In a general sense, a delay is a deviation from the norm. But the norm is not expressed in absolute numbers. A cycle of 28 days is considered normal. It is assumed that different women in different age categories can have a cycle from 21 to 35 days. And if a longer cycle is your norm, then it is clear that the difference between the standard of 28 days and your numbers is your norm, not a delay.

Causes of non-organic delays include: vitamin deficiency, stress, overwork, climate change, sudden weight loss, excess weight, intense physical activity, cold viral diseases, post-abortion syndrome, irregular sex life, withdrawal of hormonal contraceptives, age-related changes.

For example, vitamin deficiency leads to a decrease in immunity and a slowdown in metabolic processes. Against this background, the hormonal system malfunctions. Stress affects the functioning of the central structures of the brain, which poorly regulate the ovaries and uterus.

The conclusions suggest themselves: avoid vitamin deficiency, avoid stress and overwork, control your weight, increase your immunity. In general, lead a healthy lifestyle and take care of yourself! This will help avoid delays and disruptions in the monthly cycle.