Choosing shoes for the gym

Let's talk again about choosing shoes for the gym. It would seem that the question is a hackneyed one, and has been raised more than once, however, our readers continue to ask it again and again... Why is the choice of shoes so important for an athlete? – let’s dot the “e”s again...

So, what shoes are best to choose for the gym? Well, first of all, it all depends on planning... What do you have planned for this workout? If the emphasis is on strength training in the powerlifting style, then immediately forget not only about slippers, flip-flops, flip-flops, etc., etc., but also about sneakers and sneakers with soft soles. Because we need a stable, hard sole, preferably even with a small heel. This is where weight lifters are perfect. Because these are shoes specially created for these purposes, all weightlifters use them. It will be very useful for us in squats and deadlifts.

If your goal for today’s training is cardio, and you plan to go for a good run or spin a bike, then, of course, weightlifting bars will be superfluous, and you should shift your emphasis in choosing shoes towards sneakers and sneakers. Because they are optimal for this kind of physical activity...

As you can see, there is no optimal single choice for all occasions. Somewhere you need one thing, somewhere else. Although, according to our research, athletes generally prefer sneakers, but they are stable and have a hard sole.

Of course, the level of training of the athletes surveyed is of great importance in all these statistics. For some beginner guy, sneakers will be enough for his work, while for a trained athlete working with serious impressive weights, sneakers will no longer be suitable. After all, safety during training is the most important thing.

And remember: there are no trifles in sports. Especially in iron sports. Even shoes for the gym are a serious thing!

Good luck and real sporting victories to everyone! Take care of yourself!

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