What is the difference between vegetarians and vegans

With the development of society, a large number of different directions in food culture have appeared. Vegetarians, vegans, raw foodists, fruitarians and whatever else people can think of. Today in our material - the difference between the basic directions!

We all know for sure that the prefix “veg” automatically means giving up meat. But the culture of vegetarianism is not limited to this; there are many more rules regarding not only food, but also lifestyle in general. In addition, this entire large “vega” group is divided into many more subgroups according to their food classification. We'll figure out!

All vegetarians and vegans do not eat meat, fish and seafood that is obtained by killing (meat factories, hunting, commercial fishing, fishing, etc.). This is a very important aspect, because many people think that vegetarianism means giving up only meat. If you don't eat meat but still eat everything else, you are not considered a vegetarian.

In this case, the category of vegetarians is divided into the following subcategories:

  1. Lacto-ovo vegetarians eat all foods of animal origin except those described above. Their diet includes eggs (manufactured eggs do not contain chickens), dairy products and honey.

  2. Ovo-vegetarians - their animal products eat only eggs.

  3. Lacto-vegetarians eat only milk and dairy products from animal foods.

Vegans are strict vegetarians who eat only foods of plant origin, and in very rare cases honey.

We must also remember that people who choose this lifestyle are often guided not only by nutrition, but also by moral principles. Namely, the attitude towards animals.

Based on this situation:

  1. Vegetarians do not wear leather or fur clothing.

  2. Vegans - in addition to this, do not wear wool clothes, do not go to circuses and zoos, and often even protest against people having pets in apartments (these are unnatural conditions for animals).

Today, more than a billion people in the world have abandoned animal products for various reasons: humanity, fashion, the desire to keep fit. If you are just considering the decision to become a vegetarian, take the time to study everything that is associated with it. Because such a change will not only be a matter of nutrition, but will also seriously affect your lifestyle.