Cobwebs under the skirt. How to save your legs from varicose veins

“Oh, short skirts and beautiful legs will soon become a museum rarity,” phlebologists sigh. “We ourselves did not expect that varicose veins would reach epidemic proportions. And how he disfigures young legs! More and more often very young ladies with the legs of ancient old women come to us. The doctors show me numerous photographs of the affected lower extremities. Horrible! And just the thought that the “owners” of all these varicose legs are people under 35 years old gives me goosebumps. Hmmm, varicose veins have become younger. Veins now malfunction upon reaching puberty, when changes in the endocrine system begin. That is why varicose veins appeared in schoolchildren and students.

One thing is good: the disease can be prevented, and if it has already developed, it can be dealt with without fear and pity. After all, sometimes, in order to save the beauty of your legs, it is enough to just change your lifestyle a little.

First blue

So, what not to do for varicose veins. First of all, delay visiting the doctor. You should seek help as early as possible - not when it already hurts, but when it is still unsightly (a reddish-bluish web of blood vessels has just appeared). And believe me, doctors will not grab a knife when they see your sore legs. As a last resort, you will undergo sclerotherapy. The diseased vein will be blocked, as it were, and the blood flow through it will stop. The operation, of course, gives an immediate cosmetic effect, but after removing the superficial veins, the deep ones bear a double burden, and they also begin to hurt. New varicose veins form. And then it becomes even more difficult to help the patient. So it’s better to resort to the old faithful method - hirudotherapy. A specialist will put a couple of leeches on your leg and it will immediately feel better.

Enemy sun

“During hirudotherapy at the initial stage of the disease, the vein is completely retracted,” explains hirudologist Irina Pankova. “However, if the disease is advanced, it will only go away by 30%. Not much, of course, but the vein remains alive. And blood clots in its cavity, thanks to the enzymes contained in the leech’s saliva, dissolve, and as a result, varicose veins can be cured completely.

Hirudologists not only do not advise putting leeches on yourself, but even categorically prohibit it. After all, a bloodsucker can be applied to the wrong place, and it will cause a completely opposite effect. For example, a blood clot will come off. And then all hell breaks loose.

Those prone to illness should not bask in the sun for a long time. People with the initial stages of varicose veins are allowed to sunbathe before 11 and after 17 hours, when there are no hard ultraviolet rays in the sunlight. In severe forms of varicose veins, it is better to be in the shade. In general, it is advisable for patients with varicose veins not to travel to hot countries. Overheating, sun rays, and dehydration can worsen venous outflow and provoke inflammation of varicose veins with the formation of blood clots in them.

People with varicose veins should not eat just anything, and even in large quantities. Excess weight leads to overload of the veins and rapid progression of varicose veins. The prohibited list includes everything fried, salty, and spicy.

Water rescue

But here is what you simply need to do if you have a tendency to varicose veins. First, take short breaks while working and stretch your tired legs. When driving for a long time, stop every two hours, walk around, and do squats.

Wear therapeutic compression tights, knee socks or stockings: they regulate pressure distribution, reduce pain and inhibit the development of varicose veins. At home, be sure to give your legs a rest by throwing them higher. Go to the toilet regularly - constipation leads to a constant increase in pressure in the veins. Give up high heels and make it a habit to ride a bike and swim. The latter is especially useful, since the effect of gravity on diseased veins practically disappears - they seem to be in a state of disrepair.