Listen to what your body is saying...

Our body is an amazing machine that continuously works, even when we sleep. Sometimes it draws our attention to its needs and problems, but we do not always notice these signals. In this article we will look at what different parts of our body say and how to respond to them correctly.

The nose says...

When we are sick, we often blow our nose into paper tissues. But this can lead to inflammation. To avoid this, you should blow your nose like this: close one nostril and exhale the second through your nose. Then repeat this with the other nostril. Additionally, if you notice that your snot is clear and not green or yellow, then you most likely have an allergy rather than a cold.

Ears speak...

Many people clean their ears with cotton swabs, but this can damage the natural wax lining that protects the ears from infection. You should never try to clean your ears yourself. If you have trouble hearing or your ears hurt, consult your doctor.

The heart speaks...

Nutrition plays a huge role in heart health. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, fish and wholemeal bread can reduce the risk of heart and circulatory diseases by three times. In addition, smoking can harden your arteries and increase your risk of heart disease. Make choices for your heart health.

The chest says...

Taking care of your breasts means having them examined for tumors once a year by a mammologist. Early detection of tumors can save lives. Under no circumstances should this procedure be neglected.

The stomach says...

If you overeat, eat a piece of pineapple or lemon to aid digestion. Additionally, drinking a cup of lemon and mint tea after meals can also stimulate the digestive process. These remedies will help your stomach and other digestive organs.

G-spot says...

Even though many people try to find the G-spot, Professor John Heinz from New York claims that it doesn't actually exist. Instead, focus on what brings you and your partner pleasure.

Feet speak...

High heels can cause knee problems, especially in women. Additionally, wearing tight and uncomfortable shoes can also lead to foot problems. Therefore, it is worth choosing shoes that provide support for the foot and do not compress it. If you have problems with your legs, such as joint pain or swelling, consult your doctor. Additionally, gentle exercises such as walking and stretching can help strengthen your leg muscles and improve circulation.