Smoking in the morning increases the risk of cancer

Smoking in the morning causes the greatest harm to the body, say scientists from the American College of Medicine at Penn State. It turns out that a cigarette smoked half an hour after waking up doubles the risk of developing lung, neck or head cancer.

To come to this conclusion, doctors conducted two studies. The first involved 7,610 smokers, of whom 2,835 were healthy and 4,776 had lung cancer. Doctors found that those who took up a cigarette immediately after waking up had an almost 80% increased risk of cancer.

During the second study, doctors analyzed the bad habit of 1,850 nicotine addicts - 1,055 of them had neck and head cancer. It turned out that those who smoked within the first 30 minutes after getting up in the morning increased the risk of brain cancer by almost 60%. Those who began to “smoke” an hour or two after the alarm went off were much less at risk of disease.

It is believed that:

  1. 90% of lung cancer cases are related to smoking;

  2. smoking 10 cigarettes a day reduces life expectancy by 2-3 years, 20 cigarettes a day - by 5-7 years;

  3. Women who smoke are 60% more likely to become infertile compared to non-smokers;

  4. The risk of developing cancer decreases significantly five years after quitting the bad habit.
