Excessive coffee consumption reduces IVF success

Excessive coffee consumption reduces IVF success

If you are planning an artificial insemination procedure, then you should limit your coffee consumption. A recently published study in the journal Human Reproduction found that women who drink five or more cups of coffee per day reduce their chances of successfully conceiving by about 50%.

This means that coffee may be harmful to women's reproductive health, with effects comparable to nicotine and other components of tobacco smoke. The leader of the group of biologists, Ulrik Kesmodel from the University of Aarhus (Denmark), noted that their study convincingly showed that women planning to undergo the test-tube conception procedure should not drink more than five cups of coffee a day.

Kesmodel and his colleagues conducted a study to determine how regular coffee consumption affected the reproductive health of four thousand couples who were planning or undergoing artificial insemination. Scientists collected statistics on the frequency of coffee consumption, the presence or absence of bad habits, body weight, the cause of infertility and other medical data.

The study found that the eggs of women who drank five or more cups of coffee a day were 50% more likely to fail to connect with sperm compared to other patients at fertility clinics in Denmark. At the same time, the chance of a successful birth of a child decreased by 40%. This effect was absent among those women who drank less than five cups of coffee daily.

Although similar studies have been conducted previously, in not a single case have scientists been able to come to consistent conclusions. Some studies indicated an increased chance of miscarriage with regular coffee consumption, while others indicated a slower development of the fetus. However, it is the study by Kesmodel and colleagues that takes into account random and confounding factors that may bias the study's conclusions.

Thus, the study results suggest that coffee may have a negative impact on women's reproductive health and reduce the success of IVF. Therefore, women who are planning artificial insemination should limit their daily coffee consumption to five cups per day. In addition, it is recommended to consult a fertility specialist for advice on the optimal diet and lifestyle that contributes to the successful conception and development of the child.

Although coffee is a popular drink that stimulates our body and improves our mood, drinking it can have a negative impact on our overall health. Therefore, if you are planning a pregnancy or artificial insemination procedure, you need to limit your coffee consumption and monitor your health.

Taking care of your health and the health of your unborn child is a key factor in successful conception and development. In this process, it is important not only to eat properly, but also to have a healthy lifestyle, give up bad habits and regularly visit a fertility specialist. Only in this case can successful conception and birth of a healthy child be ensured.