Exercises to correct stoop.

Spinal curvature is rightfully considered one of the most common problems of the musculoskeletal system in our modern times. In many ways, this problem is a consequence of the fact that people spend a lot of time at the computer. You can correct the situation by regularly performing simple exercises to correct stoop. Which ones? – this is what this article will talk about...

The simplest way to strengthen the spine is considered to be carrying a “purely symbolic” load. To do this, you need to put a bag of sand or cereal on your head and move smoothly while maintaining balance, while keeping your back straight for as long as possible and, naturally, try not to drop the bag. Over time, the weight is replaced with a book, which should not slide off when performing normal tasks. Authoritative sports medicine experts have long proven that in the process of performing this exercise, the back muscles are strengthened and the posture is straightened, which is what we need to get rid of slouching.

Another effective recipe: standing with a straight spine, clasp your hands behind your back. Then forcefully connect your elbows. You need to bend your chest forward, move your shoulders and head back, hold in this position for a second, relax and lower your arms. Frequency of operation: 2 times every hour.

For the next exercise to correct stoop, you need to sit with your knees bent on the floor, throw your head back, connect your shoulder blades, straighten your shoulders, and stretch your neck with effort.

Lying on your back, lean on the back of your head and elbows, while inhaling, smoothly and slowly bend your spine in the chest area. As you exhale, go back and do 10-12 repetitions.

Lying on your stomach, bend your back with slight tension, inhale, throw your head back and lean on your elbows. As you exhale, come back and repeat 5-8 times.

Standing on all fours with a straight back, gently bend your back, try to crawl under an imaginary crossbar, repeat 6 times.

Swimming will help simplify and speed up the process of correcting posture, during which the back muscles will be strengthened. Swimming in general is rightfully considered the best recipe for problems with the spine. Water softens sudden movements, almost all the muscles of our body are involved in the work, the symmetrical load is evenly distributed to all its zones. So we recommend that you definitely visit the pool if you haven’t already.

Take into account all the tips we described and be healthy!

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