How to protect your health in the autumn-winter period

It's no secret that with the onset of cold weather, inflammatory processes become more active. The issue of prevention and treatment of female diseases is now more relevant than ever.

Exacerbation and a large number of diseases in the autumn-winter period are primarily associated with decreased immunity and frequent hypothermia. When the pelvic area becomes hypothermic, vasospasm occurs; in this part of the body, blood circulation and metabolic processes are disrupted, which in turn leads to the weakening of protective mechanisms even in people with good immunity.

Doctors give some tips on how to avoid problems associated with women's health during this period:

  1. Don't get too cold. Gone are the days when it was difficult to find warm and comfortable clothes that were beautiful and fashionable. Therefore, choose outfits according to the season and try not to stay in the cold for a long time, if you do dress lightly.

  2. Catch the signals and seek help. The first warning signs, as a rule, can be considered discomfort, pain and heavy discharge. And as soon as you have any suspicions, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor.

  3. Prevention. With good immunity, the possibility of disease is very low. Therefore, during this period, try to watch your diet, sleep at least 8 hours and play sports or yoga! Take vitamins.

Be healthy!