The unknown about cancer: myths or truth?

Much is still unknown about the terrible disease of our time. Cancer still remains a mystery, shrouded in darkness. Can the body fight cancer on its own? What is the worst enemy of cancer cells? Has a factor that causes cancer in women been identified? Is there finally a vaccine for cancer? So, let's talk about everything one by one.

The body can fight cancer itself

British scientists have found a way to restore lost anti-cancer activity to macrophages - immune cells, one of whose functions is to suppress cancer tumors. Normally, macrophages can destroy cancer cells by producing inflammatory proteins that are toxic to the tumor. With the development of a malignant neoplasm, macrophages that penetrate inside the tumor lose the ability to produce these proteins and, moreover, synthesize other proteins that stimulate tumor growth.

British researchers discovered that the IKK-beta protein is responsible for this change in macrophage function. Normally, this protein stimulates protective inflammatory responses, but inside the tumor it blocks the activity of macrophage anti-cancer genes. When scientists suppressed IKK-beta activity in macrophages inside cancerous tumors in mice, these immune cells attacked the tumor. They also began producing chemicals that recruit specific antitumor immune cells to destroy the tumor.

Scientists have discovered the worst enemy of cancer cells

Antioxidants found in red wine can destroy cancer cells from the inside and enhance the effectiveness of radiation and chemotherapy in the treatment of cancer. As scientists from the University of Rochester (New York) have established, the antioxidant resveratrol is found in the skin of grapes. It is especially active in pancreatic cancer, doctors note.

The study found that patients who drank red wine moderately during chemotherapy progressed more effectively with treatment than those who did not drink wine. At the same time, scientists believe that not only wines, but also grape juices from red and lilac grape varieties, which also contain resveratrol, should have a positive effect.

In addition, according to experts, both red wine and this kind of grape juice are useful to drink for the prevention of cancer.

A factor that causes cancer in women has been identified

Excessive light exposure affects the hormones responsible for the production of cancer cells. Women living in areas with strong night lighting are more likely to develop cancer than women living in poorly lit cities.

This is evidenced by studies of cancer patients in different regions of the world. “We are by no means saying that night lighting is the only cause of breast cancer, but there is a connection between these phenomena. It should not be neglected,” said Itai Klug, a professor at the University of Haifa in Israel.

Scientists have always known that excessive lighting has a negative effect on rats. But recent surveys of flight attendants, nurses and women in other professions who work at night have amazed everyone. These ladies are 60% more likely to get breast cancer than women who work during the day.

How cancer cells and night light are connected is still unclear to many scientists. Perhaps it’s all about melatonin, a hormone that prevents the development of cancer. Melatonin is mainly released at night. Excess light inhibits its formation.

Cancer vaccine

Researchers from America are close to developing a vaccine that can rid humanity of cancer. Theoretically, the new drug contains a foreign molecule from a cancer cell and is introduced into the human blood using antibodies. Thus, the human immune system is stimulated, which forces the body to fight cancer.

As scientists say, a similar approach can subsequently be used to combat AIDS and malaria. Worth noting