How to completely change your body in 6 weeks: fitness marathon “Body Revolution”

What do we girls need to lose weight? Often serious motivation and “tight-knuckle” behavior. The trainers thought about this and created a 6-week fitness marathon for those who want to completely change their body and lifestyle. Let's find out the details!

Winter is ending, and it's time to quickly get yourself in order for spring. And since there are now 1000 and 1 training and nutrition programs in the assortment for those losing weight, we at WANT decided to check out some of the most interesting ones.

The “Body Revolution” fitness marathon is a 6-week program built on an individual system of balanced nutrition, physical activity and working on problem areas. It includes three workouts per week, the development of an individual nutrition plan and regular monitoring of results.

We asked fitness director Valeria Ivashchenko who, why and why such a program is needed.

  1. Valeria, in the last few years such “urgent” weight loss programs have become very popular. Why do you think people go to intensive courses like this?

  2. For the most part, women lose weight 2 times a year: before the summer and before the New Year, there are very few people who adhere to the regime on a regular basis. Now is the “season” for losing weight, and, as a rule, people have little time for this. 6 weeks is the period during which we can give the client real results without harm to his health. People are interested in the marathon because, first of all, it is a healthy method of losing weight that maintains the result.

  3. What results can be achieved in 6 weeks? Tell us, what is the maximum weight your clients managed to lose during a fitness marathon?

We have already held three such marathons. The biggest result we had was minus 12 kg in 6 weeks. In our last marathon, a girl lost this much weight, she won first place, and there were also girls in second and third place with results of 11 kg and 9 kg. This is not little, in fact, this weight is the maximum that can be lost in 6 weeks without harm to health. And, most importantly, none of the participants in our marathons gained weight after the program; they all train freely and adhere to proper nutrition.

  1. What should a person do after a fitness marathon? How to avoid going back to your old lifestyle? Isn't this a temporary quick way to lose weight?

  2. We do not prescribe diets, rules or strict limits; our main task is to teach clients how to live correctly, comfortably and fully. This also applies to dietetics; we prescribe a comfortable nutrition program for participants after the marathon, with which they will maintain their normal, healthy weight and not feel discomfort in the restrictions. The same applies to training, we tell you how to properly attend training, how many of them you need, how to combine different types of loads. Therefore, after the marathon, the body adapts very comfortably and gets used to this regime. Still, staying in shape depends most of all on internal motivation.

  3. Does the marathon give it?

  4. Certainly! When people come to the gym, they often don’t even understand what to do, how to train, or how much weight they need to lose. The marathon gives you an understanding of all these things. And besides, when working out in a group of 10 people, you have the opportunity to observe the results of the other participants; every week we post individual changes in body mass index. Their success motivates you to work harder and more productively.

  5. Why is such a marathon better than regular gym classes?

  6. There are people who constantly play sports, and there are people who have never trained at all. And when such people come to the gym, after some time they may get tired of restricting their diet and following the exercise regime. This doesn't happen often, but it does happen. 6 weeks of a marathon is exactly the period when a person has time to lose weight, experience all the moments of sports and proper nutrition, but that’s all for him yet