Scientist filmed female brain during orgasm

Professor from the American University of Rutgers Barry Komisaruk conducted an unusual and sensational study: using magnetic resonance imaging, he filmed the process that occurs in a woman’s brain during orgasm.

The expert is confident that this discovery will help in the treatment of women with sexual disorders. This experiment, conducted on one of the journalists from New Scientist, allowed the scientist to understand which parts of the brain were involved in the process, and in the future, such a discovery could clarify a lot in the diagnosis and treatment of sexual disorders in women.

According to Komisaruk, during an orgasm, about 80 areas of the brain are activated in a person, including those responsible for imagination, pain, memory and touch. This is also evidenced by the level of oxygen in the blood and the yellow color in which almost the entire brain is painted. The activity began in the sensory cortex, associated with the genitals, and quickly spread to the limbic system, which is responsible for emotions and memory. And at the moment of orgasm itself, a peak of activity was observed in the hypothalamus, which releases the hormone of satisfaction - oxytocin - into the blood.