How to get six-pack abs on your stomach?

In this article I will tell you my experience of fighting for beautiful cubes on my stomach. I think there is not a single athlete who would not dream of getting them. But this is not an easy matter at all. And in order for the cubes to actually appear, you need to try very hard, shed a lot of sweat and show considerable ingenuity, intelligence, and in general use your brains. And without the latter, there’s no way at all. That's exactly what this story is about.

Let's start with training. I won’t dwell on abdominal exercises for long. We have already raised this issue several times on our website - there are plenty of articles, as well as methods of influencing the abdominal muscles.

Let me just remind you - the most important thing - the basic principles.

The abdomen can be roughly divided into: upper third, middle third and lower third.

  1. The upper third is shaken mainly by twisting and all sorts of exercises in which your legs are motionless and your body moves relative to the hip joint.
  2. Middle third - emphasis on sitapses at all possible angles and projections - lying down, at an angle, hanging
  3. The lower third is worked out by lifting straight or bent legs, again from different positions - on an inclined bench, hanging, in a machine with emphasis on the elbows.

But here’s a dilemma: the above abdominal exercises will not give you the desired dryness and definition of your abdomen. Even if you jump out of your skin.

You will ask why? — Answer: elementary physiology. The fact is that Mother Nature allocates the abdominal area for us to accumulate subcutaneous fat for a rainy day. Of course, you pump up your abs with exercises, but they are deep under a layer of this fat.

While pumping hard, you need to eat well in order for your muscles to grow. But when we eat well, we inevitably gain and accumulate subcutaneous fat. And if we don’t eat, then the muscle will have nothing to grow from. We get a kind of vicious circle! from which there seems to be no way out! Or is there?

What is our task? - burn fat, but how to do it?

Personally, I struggled with this problem for years and fought for the desired cubes and nothing came of it. Until I turned my brain on! So what should you do?

It has long been proven that running is the best way to burn subcutaneous fat. just not the kind of running when you run one or two kilometers - again, you won’t get anything from such running. But marathon running is what we need.

Start running regularly - 2 times a week, for example, 10 kilometers, and in a couple of months you will see progress with your six-pack. This is 100% verified. At the same time, eradicate subcutaneous fat in other places.

Can you do more please! Take the 15-kilometer plank into your workout. This is even better.

The second blow is starvation. Let's start with the fact that fasting is generally a great healing process, and periodically fasting is very useful for cleansing the body itself. At the same time, it’s just a super tool for cubes.

But again, you don’t need to fast for a couple of hours or a day. Try to hold out for a week or 10 days on the same water - how to do this is clearly described in another article on our website. The effect will be simply amazing. All subcutaneous rubbish will disappear to zero!

And if you can also combine both methods - running and fasting - your subcutaneous fat will receive a crushing lethal blow - believe my experience!

The main thing is not to gain too much again after you get out of hunger. Change your life and become better, more beautiful, stronger and healthier, which is what we wish for you!

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