A giant

A giant is a powerful, strong, prominent person living in the era of dinosaurs. In ancient times, the word gigan appeared - “giant, giant”. Much later, by the 15th century, the word gigant began to be used in European literature. Until the middle of the 16th century, this word had only the meanings “giant” and “giant, giant.” Later, by the second half of the 17th century, the image of a giant began to include such qualities as spiritual strength, power, and love of life. This word turned out to be so capacious and suitable for all humanity that it was also used to designate those who were not a person taller than two meters, but had an impressive stature and powerful physique.

Ancient Greek legends, myths and epics depicted images of terrifying giant giants - men from the race of giants (Cyclops, Titans), who were distinguished by their remarkable physical power, as well as their peculiar and eerie appearance. They were titans of a monstrous, terrifying appearance. Known here