

An abbreviation, or abbreviation, is a shortening of a word or phrase that is used to make writing easier and faster. In the biological sciences, acronyms are used to refer to specific terms or abbreviations of words that appear frequently in scientific literature. Some of the most commonly used acronyms in biology include AMPK (adenosine monophosphate kinase), APC (thymus code: cyclic citrulline promoter expression), FAS (phagocyte activation system).

Abbreviation principles

**Abbreviations of words**. In biology, acronyms may be used to shorten words used in scientific papers, for example, the term "neurobics" may be abbreviated to NT (Neural Technology) and "molecular biology" to M B (Molecular Biology).

**General abbreviations**. You can also use common abbreviations such as "ELI5": stands for Explain Please at