Abdominal cavity

The abdominal cavity is the part of the body located below the chest. It is separated from it by the diaphragm and contains the organs of the digestive and urinary systems.

The abdominal cavity contains the stomach (stomach), liver (liver), intestines (intestines), kidneys (kidneys), bladder (bladder), ovaries (ovaries) and uterus (uterus) in women.

The abdominal cavity has several sections: upper (epigastrium), middle (mesogastrium) and lower (hypogastrium). The upper section contains the stomach and pancreas. The middle section contains the liver, gallbladder (gallbladder) and spleen (spleen). The lower section contains the bladder, uterus and other organs.

The abdominal organs have their own structural and functional characteristics. For example, the stomach is a digestive organ that takes food from the esophagus and turns it into gastric juice for further digestion. The liver performs the function of purifying the blood of toxins and other harmful substances, and the intestines ensure the absorption of nutrients and the formation of feces.

The urinary system also has its own characteristics. The kidneys filter the blood and produce urine, which then passes into the bladder. In women, the uterus and ovaries are also located in the abdominal cavity and play an important role in the reproductive process.

Thus, the abdominal cavity is an important organ that ensures the normal functioning of all body systems. Knowledge of the anatomy of the abdominal cavity is necessary to understand the processes occurring in the body and for the successful treatment of various diseases.

The abdominal cavity (abdomen) is the part of the body below the chest, which is separated from it by the diaphragm and contains many important organs. This cavity contains the digestive organs such as the stomach, liver and intestines, as well as the urinary organs such as the kidneys and bladder. In women, the abdominal cavity also houses the ovaries and uterus, which makes it unique.

The abdominal cavity has a complex structure, which includes several sections. The uppermost section is called the epigastrium, which contains the stomach, pancreas and liver. Below is the mesogastrium, where the intestines and bladder are located, as well as the fallopian tubes in women. Finally, at the very bottom is the hypogastrium, which contains the ovaries in women and the prostate in men.

The abdominal cavity contains many blood vessels and nerves that ensure its functioning. The abdominal cavity is an important part of the body, so it is necessary to monitor its health and undergo regular medical examinations.

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The abdominal cavity (Abdomenum) is the part of the body located below the chest and separated from it by the diaphragm

**The abdominal cavity** is the most