Abdominal puncture

A puncture in medicine is a puncture of an organ or tissue, which, using a special needle, allows you to extract fluid, pus, blood or other pathological elements necessary for diagnosis or treatment. This procedure is a necessary method for examining the abdominal organs.

As part of abdominal puncture, many diagnostic studies are carried out to help identify cancer and other diseases in the digestive organs, spleen, and kidneys. The list of studies includes procedures such as laparoscopy, laparocentesis, etc. It is important to note that abdominal puncture has many indications and contraindications, among which, in addition to diseases of the digestive system and cardiovascular system, there may also be age restrictions. Despite the complexity of the diagnostic procedure, it is necessary because it allows one to identify the disease in the early stages and prescribe effective treatment. The puncture examination process takes place under anesthesia, which preserves the patient’s ability to unquestioningly concentrate on the doctor’s tasks. During the procedure, staff will be able to provide the necessary assistance in case of an emergency, if necessary. Based on the results of the study, doctors may prescribe