Abortion Late

Abortion is a serious medical intervention. It should not be confused with a miscarriage. Many women, especially at a young age, do not want to give birth to a third or fourth child and mistakenly believe that abortion is a miscarriage. But these are completely different procedures, and their consequences will be different. **What is abortion.** If you do not want to give birth and carry a baby, then it is better to get rid of it as early as possible. But, alas, pregnancy cannot be canceled or accelerated. All that remains is to interrupt her. Or abort the fetus. In other words, abortion is the artificial termination of pregnancy. It may also be called medical abortion, surgical termination of pregnancy, or simply abortion. Typically, abortion is performed in the first trimester of pregnancy, while the pregnancy is still short and the embryo is small. At this time, the woman experiences frequent bouts of nausea and heavy vaginal discharge. Sometimes she is tormented by painful sensations in the lower abdomen. Therefore, if you think you are pregnant, you should immediately consult a doctor. Indications for an abortion are the following circumstances: 1) pregnancy at too short a term; 2) a discrepancy between the Rh factors of the mother and child, which will lead to a severe blood defect in the future. This only applies to cases where the mother is Rh positive and the child is Rh negative. This happens extremely rarely, but it cannot be excluded; 3) severe family illnesses. These include hereditary mental illnesses, in particular schizophrenia. These problems are inherited. If they occur during pregnancy, most likely the baby will not be healthy; 4) maternal illnesses: whooping cough, malaria, tuberculosis, furunculosis, gonorrhea, Meniere’s disease; 5) bad genetic material. In girls, sperm are formed during puberty and are accompanied by a lot of stress. Therefore, if at a younger age she experienced a severe nervous shock, a sick child with pathologically altered genes may be born. **Consequences of abortion.** Question